/* Tetris Code
Adapted from Tetris.ino code by
Jae Yeong Bae UBC ECE jocker.tistory.com
/* =============== LED Matrix Display
=============== */
#include <SPI.h>
#define GREEN 0
#define RED 1
#define offREDoffGREEN 0
#define offREDonGREEN 1
#define onREDoffGREEN 2
#define ISR_FREQ 190 //190=650Hz // Sets the speed of the ISR
int SPI_CS = 10;// This SPI Chip Select pin con- trols the MAX7219
int bi_maxInUse = 2; //No. of Bi-color LED Ma- trix used
int maxInShutdown = RED; // indicates which LED Matrix color is currently off
int SetbrightnessValue = 15; int colorMode = ’3’;
// default color (1 = RED, 2 = GREEN, 3 = ORA- NGE, 4 = blank off)
/* =========Audio ===============*/
int speakerOut = 9;
#define mC 1911
#define mC1 1804
#define mD 1703
#define mEb 1607
#define mE 1517
#define mF 1432
#define mF1 1352
#define mG 1276
#define mAb 1204
#define mA 1136
#define mBb 1073
#define mB 1012
#define mc 955
#define mc1 902
#define md 851
#define meb 803
#define me 758
#define mf 716
#define mf1 676
#define mg 638
#define mab 602
#define ma 568
#define mbb 536
#define mb 506
#define mp 0 //pause
/* ============= Tetris Game =============
/ long delays = 0; short delay_ = 500; long bdelay = 0;
short buttondelay = 150; short btdowndelay = 30; short btsidedelay = 80; unsigned char blocktype; unsigned char blockrotation; boolean block[8][18];
//2 extra for rotation boolean pile[8][16]; boolean disp[8][16];
boolean gameoverFlag = false; boolean selectColor = RED;
unsigned long startTime; unsigned long elapsedTime; int cnt = 0;
int buttonRotate = 4;
// Rotate int buttonRight = 5;
// Right int buttonLeft = 6;
// Left int buttonDown = 7;
// Down
void setup() { pinMode(SPI_CS, OUTPUT); pinMode(speakerOut, OUTPUT); TriggerSound();
Serial.begin (9600);
Serial.println(”jolliFactory Tetris LED Matrix Ga- me example 1.1”);
//setup SPI Interface bi_maxTransferAll(0x0F, 0x00);
// 00 - Turn off Test mode bi_maxTransferAll(0x09, 0x00);
//Register 09 - BCD Decoding
// 0 = No decoding bi_maxTransferAll(0x0B, 0x07);
//Register B - Scan limit 1-7 //
7 = All LEDS bi_maxTransferAll(0x0C, 0x01); // 01 = on 00 = Power saving mode orshutdown setBrightness();
// setup the timer startISR();
// start the timer to toggle shutdown clearDisplay(GREEN); clearDisplay(RED);
int seed = (analogRead(0)+1)* (analogRead(1)+1)* (analogRead(2)+1)* (analogRead(3)+1);
randomSeed(seed); random(10,9610806);
seed = seed *random(3336,15679912)+analogRead(ran- dom(4)) ;
randomSeed(seed); random(10,98046);cli();
//stop interrupts
//set timer0 interrupt at 2kHz TCCR1A = 0;
// set entire TCCR0A register to 0 TCCR1B = 0;
// same for TCCR0B TCNT1 = 0;
//initialize counter value to 0
// set compare match register for 2khz increments OCR1A = 259;
// = (16*10^6) / (2000*64) - 1 (must be <256)
// turn on CTC mode TCCR1A |= (1 « WGM01);
// Set CS11 and CS10 bits for 1024 prescaler TCCR1B
|= (1 « CS12) | (1 « CS10);
// enable timer compare interrupt TIMSK1 |= (1
« OCIE0A);
//allow interrupts
pinMode(buttonRotate, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Rotate pinMode(buttonRight, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Right pinMode(buttonLeft, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Left pinMode(buttonDown, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Down newBlock(); updateLED(); }
//******************************* void loop() { delay(30);
if (delays < millis()) { delays = millis() + delay_; movedown(); }
//buttun actions int button = readBut(); if (button
== 1)
//up=rotate rotate();
if (button == 2) //right=moveright moveright(); if (button == 3) //left=moveleft moveleft();
if (button == 4) //down=movedown movedown();
//******************************* boolean moveleft() { TriggerSound();
if (space_left()) { int i; int j; for (i=0;i<7;i++) {
for (j=0;j<16;j++) { block[i][j]=block[i+1][j]; }
for (j=0;j<16;j++) { block[7][j]=0; } updateLED(); return 1; }
return 0; }
//******************************* boolean moveright() { TriggerSound();
if (space_right()) { int i; int j; for (i=7;i>0;i–) { for (j=0;j<16;j++) { block[i][j]=block[i-1][j]; } }
for (j=0;j<16;j++) { block[0][j]=0; } updateLED();
return 1; }
return 0; }
int readBut() { if (bdelay > millis()) { return 0;
if ((digitalRead(buttonLeft) == LOW)) { //left bdelay = millis() + btsidedelay; return 2; }
if ((digitalRead(buttonDown) == LOW)) { //do- wn bdelay = millis() + btdowndelay; return 4; }
if ((digitalRead(buttonRight) == LOW)) { //right bdelay = millis() + btsidedelay; return 3; }
if ((digitalRead(buttonRotate) == LOW)) { //ro- tate bdelay = millis() + buttondelay; return 1; }return 0; }
void updateLED() { int i; int j; for (i=0;i<8;i++)
{ for (j=0;j<16;j++) { disp[i][j] = block[i][j] | pile[i][j];
} } }
void rotate() { TriggerSound(); //skip for square block(3) if (blocktype == 3) return;
int xi; int yi; int i; int j;
//detect left for (i=7;i>=0;i–) { for (j=0;j<16;j++)
{ if (block[i][j]) { xi = i; } } }
//detect up for (i=15;i>=0;i–) { for (j=0;j<8;j++)
{ if (block[j][i]) { yi = i; } } }
if (blocktype == 0) { if (blockrotation == 0) { if (!space_left()) {
if (space_right3()) {
if (!moveright()) return; xi++; } else return; } else if (!space_right()) {
if (space_left3()) {
if (!moveleft()) return;
if (!moveleft()) return; xi–; xi–; } else return;
else if (!space_right2()) { if (space_left2()) {
if (!moveleft()) return; xi–; } else return;
} block[xi][yi]=0; block[xi][yi+2]=0; block[xi][yi+3]=0;block[xi-1][yi+1]=1; block[xi+1][yi+1]=1; block[xi+2][yi+1]=1; blockrotation = 1; } else { block[xi][yi]=0;block[xi+2][yi]=0; block[xi+3][yi]=0; block[xi+1][yi-1]=1; block[xi+1][yi+1]=1; block[xi+1][yi+2]=1;blockrotation = 0; } }
//offset to mid xi ++; yi ++;
if (blocktype == 1) {
if (blockrotation == 0) { block[xi-1][yi-1] = 0;
block[xi-1][yi] = 0;
block[xi+1][yi] = 0;
block[xi][yi-1] = 1;
block[xi+1][yi-1] = 1;
block[xi][yi+1] = 1; blockrotation = 1; }
else if (blockrotation == 1) {
if (!space_left()) {
if (!moveright()) return; xi++; } xi–; block[xi][yi-1]
= 0;
block[xi+1][yi-1] = 0;
block[xi][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi-1][yi] = 1;
block[xi+1][yi] = 1;
block[xi+1][yi+1] = 1; blockrotation = 2; }
else if (blockrotation == 2)
{ yi –; block[xi-1][yi] = 0; block[xi+1][yi] = 0;
block[xi+1][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi][yi-1] = 1;
block[xi][yi+1] = 1;
block[xi-1][yi+1] = 1; blockrotation = 3; }
else { if (!space_right()) {
if (!moveleft()) return; xi–; } block[xi][yi-1] = 0;
block[xi][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi-1][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi-1][yi-1] = 1;
block[xi-1][yi] = 1;
block[xi+1][yi] = 1; blockrotation = 0; } } if (blocktype ==2)
{ if (blockrotation == 0) { block[xi+1][yi-1] = 0; block[xi-1][yi] = 0;
block[xi+1][yi] = 0;
block[xi][yi-1] = 1;
block[xi+1][yi+1] = 1;
block[xi][yi+1] = 1; blockrotation = 1;
} else if (blockrotation == 1) { if (!space_left()) {
if (!moveright()) return; xi++; } xi–; block[xi][yi-1] = 0; block[xi+1][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi-1][yi] = 1;
block[xi+1][yi] = 1;
block[xi-1][yi+1] = 1; blockrotation = 2; }
else if (blockrotation == 2) { yi –; block[xi-1][yi] =
block[xi+1][yi] = 0;
block[xi-1][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi][yi-1] = 1;
block[xi][yi+1] = 1;
block[xi-1][yi-1] = 1; blockrotation = 3; } else { if(!space_right())
{ if (!moveleft()) return; xi–; } block[xi][yi-1] = 0;
block[xi][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi-1][yi-1] = 0;
block[xi+1][yi-1] = 1;
block[xi-1][yi] = 1;
block[xi+1][yi] = 1; blockrotation = 0; } }
if (blocktype == 4) { if (blockrotation == 0)
{ block[xi+1][yi-1] = 0; block[xi-1][yi] = 0;
block[xi+1][yi] = 1;
block[xi+1][yi+1] = 1; blockrotation = 1; }
else { if (!space_left()) { if (!moveright()) return; xi++; } xi–; block[xi+1][yi] = 0;
block[xi+1][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi-1][yi] = 1;
block[xi+1][yi-1] = 1; blockrotation = 0; } } if (blocktype== 5)
{ if (blockrotation == 0)
{ block[xi][yi-1] = 0;
block[xi-1][yi] = 0;
block[xi+1][yi] = 0;
block[xi][yi-1] = 1;
block[xi+1][yi] = 1;
block[xi][yi+1] = 1; blockrotation = 1; }
else if (blockrotation == 1)
{ if (!space_left())
{ if (!moveright()) return; xi++; } xi–; block[xi][yi-1] = 0;
block[xi+1][yi] = 0;
block[xi][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi-1][yi] = 1;
block[xi+1][yi] = 1;
block[xi][yi+1] = 1; blockrotation = 2; }
else if (blockrotation == 2)
{ yi –; block[xi-1][yi] = 0; block[xi+1][yi] = 0;
block[xi][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi][yi-1] = 1;
block[xi-1][yi] = 1;
block[xi][yi+1] = 1; blockrotation = 3; }
else { if (!space_right()) {
if (!moveleft()) return; xi–; } block[xi][yi-1] = 0;
block[xi-1][yi] = 0;
block[xi][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi][yi-1] = 1;
block[xi-1][yi] = 1;
block[xi+1][yi] = 1; blockrotation = 0; } } if (blocktype ==6)
{ if (blockrotation == 0)
{ block[xi-1][yi-1] = 0;
block[xi][yi-1] = 0;
block[xi+1][yi-1] = 1;
block[xi][yi+1] = 1; blockrotation = 1; }
else { if (!space_left()) {
if (!moveright()) return; xi++; } xi–; block[xi+1][yi-1] = 0; block[xi][yi+1] = 0;
block[xi-1][yi-1] = 1;
block[xi][yi-1] = 1; blockrotation = 0; } }
//if rotating made block and pile overlap, push rows up while (!check_overlap()) { for(i=0;i<18;i++) { for
(j=0;j<8;j++) { block[j][i] = block[j][i+1]; } } delays
= millis() + delay_; } updateLED(); }
//******************************* void movedown() {
if (space_below()) {
//move down int i; for (i=15;i>=0;i–) {
int j; for (j=0;j<8;j++) { block[j][i] = block[j][i-1]; } } for(i=0;i<7;i++) { block[i][0] = 0; } }
else { //merge and new block int i; int j; for (i=0;i<8;i++)
{ for(j=0;j<16;j++) { if (block[i][j]) { pile[i][j]=1; block[i][j]=0;
} } }
newBlock(); }
updateLED(); }
boolean check_overlap() { int i; int j; for (i=0;i<16;i++)
{ for (j=0;j<7;j++) { if (block[j][i])
{ if (pile[j][i]) return false; } } }
for (i=16;i<18;i++) { for (j=0;j<7;j++)
{ if (block[j][i]) { return false; } } } return true; }
//******************************* void check_gameover() {
int i; int j;
int cnt=0;; for(i=15;i>=0; i–) { cnt=0;
for (j=0;j<8;j++) {
if (pile[j][i]) { cnt ++; } }
if (cnt == 8) { for (j=0;j<8;j++) { pile[j][i]=0; } updateLED();
delay(50); int k;
for(k=i;k>0;k–) { for (j=0;j<8;j++) {
pile[j][k] = pile[j][k-1]; } }
for (j=0;j<8;j++) { pile[j][0] = 0;
} updateLED(); delay(50); i++; } } for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
if (pile[i][0]) gameover(); } return; }
//******************************* void gameover() {
int i; int j;
gameoverFlag = true; startTime = millis(); delay(300);
while(true) //To re-play if any buttons depressed again { int button = readBut();
if ((button < 5) && (button > 0)) { gameover- Flag = false; for(i=15;i>=0;i–) { for (j=0;j<8;j++) { pile[j][i]=0; } }
break; } } }
//******************************* void newBlock() { check_gameover();
if (selectColor == RED) selectColor = GREEN; else selectColor = RED;
blocktype = random(7);
if (blocktype == 0) // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 { block[3][0]=1;
block[3][3]=1; }
if (blocktype == 1) // 0 // 0 0 0 { block[2][0]=1; block[2][1]=1;
block[4][1]=1; }
if (blocktype == 2) // 0 // 0 0 0 { block[4][0]=1; block[2][1]=1;
block[4][1]=1; }
if (blocktype == 3) // 0 0 // 0 0 { block[3][0]=1; block[3][1]=1; block[4][0]=1; block[4][1]=1; }
if (blocktype == 4) // 0 0 // 0 0 { block[4][0]=1; block[5][0]=1; block[3][1]=1; block[4][1]=1; }
if (blocktype == 5) // 0 // 0 0 0 { block[4][0]=1; block[3][1]=1; block[4][1]=1; block[5][1]=1; }
if (blocktype == 6) // 0 0 // 0 0 { block[3][0]=1; block[4][0]=1; block[4][1]=1; block[5][1]=1; }
blockrotation = 0; }
//******************************* boolean space_below() { int i;
int j;
for (i=15;i>=0;i–) { for (j=0;j<8;j++) { if (block[j][i])
{ if (i == 15) return false;
if (pile[j][i+1]) { return false; } } } } return true; }
//******************************* boolean spa- ce_left2() { int i;
int j;
for (i=15;i>=0;i–) { for (j=0;j<8;j++) { if (block[j][i])
{ if (j == 0 || j == 1) return false; if (pile[j-1][i] | pi- le[j-2][i]) { return false; } } } }
return true; }
//******************************* boolean space_left3() {
int i; int j;
for (i=15;i>=0;i–) { for (j=0;j<8;j++) { if (block[j][i])
{ if (j == 0 || j == 1 ||j == 2 ) return false;
if (pile[j-1][i] | pile[j-2][i]|pile[j-3][i]) { return false; }
} } }
return true; }
//******************************* boolean space_left() {
int i; int j;
for (i=15;i>=0;i–) { for (j=0;j<8;j++) { if (block[j][i])
{ if (j == 0) return false; if (pile[j-1][i]) { return false;
} } } }
return true; }
//******************************* boolean space_right() {
int i; int j;
for (i=15;i>=0;i–) { for (j=0;j<8;j++) { if (block[j][i])
{ if (j == 7) return false;
if (pile[j+1][i]) { return false; } } } } return true; }
//******************************* boolean space_right3() {
int i; int j;
for (i=15;i>=0;i–) { for (j=0;j<8;j++) { if (block[j][i])
{ if (j == 7||j == 6||j == 5) return false;
if (pile[j+1][i] |pile[j+2][i] | pile[j+3][i]) { return fal- se; } } } }
return true; }
//******************************* boolean space_right2() {
int i; int j;
for (i=15;i>=0;i–) { for (j=0;j<8;j++) { if (block[j][i])
{ if (j == 7 || j == 6) return false;
if (pile[j+1][i] |pile[j+2][i]) { return false; } } } } return true; }
//******************************* ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect){ //change the 0 to
1 for timer1 and 2 for timer2 LEDRefresh(); }
//******************************* void LEDRefresh() {
int i; int k;
boolean tmpdispUpper[8][8]; boolean tmpdispLower[8][8];boolean tmppileUpper[8][8]; boolean tmppileLower[8][8];
//rotate 90 degrees for upper Bicolor LED matrix for (k=0;k<8;k++) { for(i=0;i<8;i++) {tmpdispUp- per[k][i]=disp[i][k]; } }
//rotate 90 degrees for lower Bicolor LED matrix
for (k=8;k<16;k++) { for(i=0;i<8;i++) { tmpdispLo- wer[k-8][i]=disp[i][k]; } }
//For pile //rotate 90 degrees for upper Bicolor LED matrix for (k=0;k<8;k++) {for(i=0;i<8;i++) { tmppileUpper[k][i]=pile[i][k]; } }
//rotate 90 degrees for lower Bicolor LED matrix for (k=8;k<16;k++) { for(i=0;i<8;i++) {tmppileLo- wer[k-8][i]=pile[i][k]; } }
for(i=0;i<8;i++) { byte upper = 0; int b; for(b = 0;b<8;b++) {
upper «= 1;
if (tmpdispUpper[b][i]) upper |= 1; } byte lower = 0;
for(b = 0; b<8;b++) {
lower «= 1;
if (tmpdispLower[b][i]) lower |= 1; }
if (gameoverFlag == true) { elapsedTime = millis()
- startTime;
// Display random pattern for pre-defined period before blanking display if (elapsedTime <2000) { bi_ma- xTransferSingle(RED, 1, i, random(255));
bi_maxTransferSingle(RED, 2, i, random(255)); bi_maxTransferSingle(GREEN, 1, i,random(255)); bi_maxTransferSingle(GREEN, 2, i, random(255)); cnt = cnt + 1; if (cnt >80) { TriggerSound(); Trig-
gerSound(); cnt = 0; } }
else { bi_maxTransferSingle(RED, 1, i, 0x00);
// clear bi_maxTransferSingle(RED, 2, i, 0x00);
// clear
bi_maxTransferSingle(GREEN, 1, i, 0x00);
// clear bi_maxTransferSingle(GREEN, 2, i, 0x00);
// clear } }
else { if (selectColor == RED) { bi_maxTransfer- Single(GREEN, 1, i, lower);
bi_maxTransferSingle(GREEN, 2, i, upper);
} else { bi_maxTransferSingle(RED, 1, i, lower); bi_maxTransferSingle(RED, 2, i,upper); } } } if (gameoverFlag == false) {
// For pile - to display orange for(i=0;i<8;i++) { byte upper = 0; int b; for(b = 0;b<8;b++){ upper «= 1;
if (tmppileUpper[b][i]) upper |= 1; } byte lower = 0; for(b = 0;b<8;b++)
{ lower «= 1;
if (tmppileLower[b][i]) lower |= 1; }
// To alternate color of new block between RED and GREEN if (selectColor == RED) {bi_maxTran- sferSingle(RED, 1, i, lower);
bi_maxTransferSingle(RED, 2, i, upper); }
else { bi_maxTransferSingle(GREEN, 1, i, lower); bi_maxTransferSingle(GREEN, 2, i, upper); }
} } }
// Change Max72xx brightness void setBrightness()
{ bi_maxTransferAll(0x0A, SetbrightnessValue);
//Set Brightness bi_maxTransferAll(0x00, 0x00);
//No-op commands }
// Clear Display void clearDisplay(uint8_t whichCo- lor)
//whichColor = 1 for RED, 2 for GREEN { for (int y=0; y<8; y++) {bi_maxTransferSingle(whichColor, 1, y, 0);
//Turn all Off //For X1 LED matrix Game bi_ma- xTransferSingle(whichColor, 2, y, 0);
//Turn all Off
//For X1 LED matrix Game } }
void bi_maxTransferAll(uint8_t address, uint8_t value) { stopISR(); digitalWrite(SPI_CS, LOW);
for ( int c=1; c<= bi_maxInUse*2;c++) { SPI.tran- sfer(address);
// specify register SPI.transfer(value);
// put data }
digitalWrite(SPI_CS, HIGH); startISR(); }
void bi_maxTransferOne(uint8_t whichMax, uint8_t address, uint8_t value) {
byte noop_reg = 0x00;
//max7219 No op register byte noop_value = 0x00;
//value stopISR();
digitalWrite(SPI_CS, LOW);
for (int i=bi_maxInUse; i>0; i–)
// Loop through our number of Bi-color LED Ma- trices {
if (i==whichMax) { SPI.transfer(address);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(value);
// Send the value SPI.transfer(address);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(value);
// Send the value
} else { SPI.transfer(noop_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(noop_va- lue);
// Send the value SPI.transfer(noop_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(noop_va- lue);
// Send the value } } digitalWrite(SPI_CS, HIGH); startISR(); }
void bi_maxTransferSingle(uint8_t whichColor, uint8_t whichMax, uint8_t address, uint8_t value) {
//whichColor = 1 for RED, 2 for GREEN
byte noop_reg = 0x00; //max7219 No op register byte noop_value = 0x00;
stopISR(); digitalWrite(SPI_CS, LOW);
if (whichColor==GREEN) { for (int i=bi_maxI- nUse; i>0; i–)
// Loop through our number of Bi-color LED Ma- trices { if (i==whichMax) {SPI.transfer(address+1);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(value);
// Send the value SPI.transfer(noop_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(noop_va- lue);
// Send the value
} else { SPI.transfer(noop_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(noop_va- lue);
// Send the value SPI.transfer(noop_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(noop_va- lue);
// Send the value } } } else { for (int i=bi_maxI- nUse; i>0; i–)
// Loop through our number of Bi-color LED Ma- trices { if (i==whichMax) {SPI.transfer(noop_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(noop_va- lue);
// Send the value SPI.transfer(address+1);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(value);
// Send the value
} else { SPI.transfer(noop_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(noop_va- lue);
// Send the value SPI.transfer(noop_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(noop_va- lue);
// Send the value } } } digitalWrite(SPI_CS, HIGH); startISR(); }
void bi_maxShutdown(uint8_t cmd) { byte noop_reg
= 0x00;
//max7219_reg_no_op byte shutdown_reg = 0x0c;
//max7219_reg_shutdown byte col = 0x01;
//shutdown false byte col2 = 0x00;
//shutdown true
if (cmd == offREDoffGREEN) { stopISR(); digi- talWrite(SPI_CS, LOW);
for (int c =1; c<= bi_maxInUse; c++) { SPI.tran- sfer(shutdown_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(col2);
// Send the value SPI.transfer(shutdown_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(col2);
// Send the value }
digitalWrite(SPI_CS, HIGH); startISR(); } else if (cmd == offREDonGREEN) { stopISR();digitalWri- te(SPI_CS, LOW);
for (int c =1; c<= bi_maxInUse; c++) { SPI.tran- sfer(shutdown_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(col);
// Send the value SPI.transfer(shutdown_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(col2);
// Send the value }
digitalWrite(SPI_CS, HIGH); startISR(); } else if (cmd == onREDoffGREEN) { stopISR();digitalWri- te(SPI_CS, LOW);
for (int c =1; c<= bi_maxInUse; c++) { SPI.tran- sfer(shutdown_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(col2);
// Send the value SPI.transfer(shutdown_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(col);
// Send the value }
digitalWrite(SPI_CS, HIGH); startISR(); }
//No ops register to shift out instructions stopISR(); digitalWrite(SPI_CS, LOW);
for (int c =1; c<= bi_maxInUse; c++) { SPI.tran- sfer(noop_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(0x00);
// Send the value SPI.transfer(noop_reg);
// Send the register address SPI.transfer(0x00);
// Send the value }
digitalWrite(SPI_CS, HIGH); startISR(); }
//******************************* void altShutDown()
//alternate shutdown of MAX7219 chips for RED and GREEN LEDs { if (colorMode == ’3’)
//Scrolling in ORANGE { if(maxInShutdown==RED){ bi_maxShutdown(onREDoffGREEN);
maxInShutdown=GREEN; }
else { bi_maxShutdown(offREDonGREEN); maxInShutdown=RED; } }
else if (colorMode == ’2’)
//Scrolling in GREEN { bi_maxShutdown(offRE- DonGREEN);
maxInShutdown=RED; } else if (colorMode == ’1’)
//Scrolling in RED { bi_maxShutdown(onREDo- ffGREEN);
maxInShutdown=GREEN; } else if (colorMode == ’4’)
//Blank Display { bi_maxShutdown(offREDoffGRE- EN);
maxInShutdown=GREEN; } }
//******************************* if (colorMode == ’3’)
// ORANGE { if(maxInShutdown==RED){ bi_ma- xShutdown(onREDoffGREEN);
maxInShutdown=GREEN; }
else { bi_maxShutdown(offREDonGREEN); maxInShutdown=RED; } }
else if (colorMode == ’2’) // GREEN { bi_ma- xShutdown(offREDonGREEN); maxInShutdown=RED;
else if (colorMode == ’1’)
// RED { bi_maxShutdown(onREDoffGREEN); ma- xInShutdown=GREEN; }
else if (colorMode == ’4’) //Blank Display { bi_ma- xShutdown(offREDoffGREEN);
maxInShutdown=GREEN; } }
//******************************* void setISRtimer()
// setup ISR timer controling toggleing { TCCR2A
= 0x02;
// WGM22=0 + WGM21=1 + WGM20=0 = Mo- de2 (CTC) TCCR2B = 0x05;
// CS22=1 + CS21=0 + CS20=1 = /128 prescaler (125kHz) TCNT2 = 0;
// clear counter OCR2A = ISR_FREQ;
// set TOP (divisor) - see #define }
//******************************* void startISR()
// Starts the ISR { TCNT2 = 0;
// clear counter (needed here also) TIMSK2|=(1«OCIE2A);
// set interrupts=enabled (calls ISR(TIMER2_COM- PA_vect) }
//******************************* void stopISR()
//Stops the ISR { TIMSK2&=~(1«OCIE2A);
// disable interrupts }
//******************************* void TriggerSound() {
// Set up a counter to pull from melody[] and be- ats[] for (int i=0; i<MAX_COUNT; i++) {tone_ = melody[i];
beat = beats[i];
duration = beat * tempo;
// Set up timing playTone();
delayMicroseconds(pause); } }
// Pulse the speaker to play a tone for a particular duration void playTone() { longelapsed_time = 0; if (tone_ > 0) {
// if this isn’t a Rest beat, while the tone has
// played less long than ’duration’, pulse speaker HIGH and LOW while (elapsed_time <duration) {
digitalWrite(speakerOut,HIGH); delayMicrosecon- ds(tone_ / 2);
// DOWN digitalWrite(speakerOut, LOW); delayMicroseconds(tone_ / 2);
// Keep track of how long we pulsed elapsed_time
+= (tone_); } } else {
// Rest beat; loop times delay for (int j = 0; j < rest_count; j++) {
// See NOTE on rest_count delayMicroseconds(du- ration); } } }